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NP0516-02: William and Ann Grenier, Applicants; 97 Parsonage Road. Proposed Activity: Construct 12 x 16 shed in back yard; no driveway construction; cement foundation and floor. Application Review Fee of $30 received. NP0516-01: Revell Sandberg-Diment, Applicant; 741 Pomfret Road. Proposed Activity: Grading and leveling of 12 x 6 area south-west of building; sinking of 6 tubes to support domestic hot water system; replanting of grass and paving with gravel under panels. Application Review Fee of $30 received. NP0616-01: Timothy & Janet Parla; John Mack Road. Proposed Activity: construct single family 28 x 34 dwelling; detached garage. Application review fee of $30 received. NP0616-02: Barbara Reggio-Brown, Applicant; 235 Drain Street. Proposed Activity: construct 50 x 42 handicapped accessible detached dwelling for parents; frost walls with 30 grading from existing driveway for access and drainage away from structure; one bedroom/one bathroom with galley kitchen, den, laundry room, garage and porch. Application review fee of $30 received. NP0716-01: Ken Boucher, Eastern Building Co., Applicant; 31 Windy Hill. Proposed Activity: construct 22 x 36 garage attached to right side of house. WEO Report Monthly Report Duly Authorized Agent Action Communications Discuss and Act on any other Business Audience for Citizens Adjournment Stanley Crawford, Chairman Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency Upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of a public agency present and voting, any subsequent business not included in such filed agendas may be considered and acted upon at such meetings [Freedom Of Information Act Sec. 1-225, (c)]. The date of receipt of a petition, application, request or appeal shall be the day of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Agency, immediately following the day of submission to the Agency or its agent of such petition, application, request or appeal or thirty-five (35) days after such submission, whichever is sooner [Town Of Hampton, Connecticut Inland Wetlands And Watercourses Regulations Sec. 8, 8.4].  1238:ABEGRTYZiīw\w\w\w\w\wG4%hZ>*CJOJPJQJaJnH tH (hfh?CJOJPJQJaJnH tH 4hfh?>*B*CJOJPJQJaJnH phtH 4hfh?>*B*CJ OJPJQJaJnH phtH 1hfh?B*CJOJPJQJaJnH phtH 1hfh?B*CJOJPJQJaJnH phtH 1hfh?B*CJ(OJPJQJaJnH phtH =jh7Th7TB*CJOJPJQJUaJmHnHphuh?12ZiK  & F d7$8$H$`gd? & F d7$8$H$^`gd?$dx7$8$H$a$gd?$$dxx@&a$gd?$$d@&a$gd? $da$gd?    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