Resident's of the Town of Hampton in need of social services have several options to consider based on the type of assistance needed. Please review the list below and contact the appropriate agency for your needs.
Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen
Hampton Congregational Church at 263 Main Street sponsors a food pantry. Please contact them at 860-455-9677.
The Covenant Soup Kitchen is located at 220 Valley Street, Willimatic Ct. Meal times are as follows: Breakfast: Monday Through Saturday, 9:15am Lunch: Monday Through Saturday, 12:15pm To 1:00pm; Sunday Bag Lunch, 11:30am to 12:00pm. Dinner: Friday Evening Only, 5:30pm to 6:00pm. Emergency Food Pantry: Monday Through Friday 2:00pm - 4:00pm. Contact them at 860-423-1643.
Counseling Services
United Services provides emergency psychiatric services 24/7/365 as well as ongoing psychiatric services, adult outpatient services, addiction recovery services. They also have a Child Guidance Center that provides treatment for children and parents, including victims of abuse, and provides community education and prevention services. Located at 132 Mansfield Avenue, Willimantic.
Contact them at 860-456-2261.
Northeast Communities Against Substance Abuse provides information and education for parents and young people to assist in preventing drug use and abuse. They are located at 559 Hartford Turnpike, Suite 210B, Dayville, CT 06241. Contact them at 860-779-9253.
The Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern Connecticut provides assistance to victims of sexual violence through a range of free and confidential services, and assists the community in prevention efforts through educational programs. It provides immediate intervention services at the time of initial contact, whether the client calls the hotline directly or a hospital or law enforcement agency requests services. Certified counselors are available to provide in-person support, advocacy and information, especially with regards to victim's rights and choices. Counselors provide accompaniment during medical evidence collection exams and contacts with law enforcement investigators. They offer 24-hour English and Spanish hotlines, and our services are available to children as well as adults. For further information please visit their website. We are located at 90 South Park Street, Willimantic, CT. Contact them at 860-456-3595.
Health Services
Northeast District Department of Health provides Community Health Education, Qualified Food Operator & Food Awareness Safety and Training Classes, Oral Health Screening and Education Program, H1N1 Influenza Preparedness/Planning Response as well as many other services and programs. They are located at 69 South Main Street, Unit 4, Brooklyn, CT 06234.
Contact them at 860-774-7350.
Day Kimball Home Care is a hospital based home health care agency located in Putnam and Plainfield. They provide comprehensive, high quality and individualized home care services to the greater Northeastern Connecticut area. They are a Medicare certified Home health agency providing skilled care in patient homes. Services include IV therapy, wound care, telemonitoring, and acute and chronic care management. Programs include care of the sick, wellness and maternal child health, and our skilled professionals include registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, physical, occupationl, and speech therapists as well as medical social workers. They provide long term planning, grief counseling and supportive care in dealing with illness. They provide service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact them in Putnum at 860-928-0422 or in Plainfield at 860-564-7602.
NECTD click here
The Hampton Senior and Disable Transportation Program is part of the State of Connecticut's Program In Lieu of Mass Transit. This program is funded by the State of Connecicut.
ACCESS Housing/energy assisstance
Rental Assisstance
Emergency Broad Band Service Benefit