Town of Hampton


Document Name
2023 I&E Forms
20-21 Adopted Budget
2010 Audit Report
2011 Audit Report
2012 Audit Report
2013 Education Utilization Study Proposal
2013-2014 Annual Report
2014 Audit Report
2015 Audit
2017-2018 Audit
2019-2020 Audit
2020-2021 Audit
2021-2022 Audit
2022 Audit Report
2022-2023 Town Adopted Budget
2022-2023 Town of Hampton Proposed Budget
2023 Manufacturing Machinery & Equipment Exemption
2023 Manufacturing Machinery & Equipment Itemized Listing
2023-2024 Adopted Budget
2024-2025 Approved Budget
Addition/Withdrawal of Grades Committee
Adoped Budget
Adoped Budget 2016-2017
Adoped Budget 2020-2021
Adopted Budget 2017-2018
Adopted Budget 2018-2019
Adopted Budget 2019-2020
Adopted Budget 2021-2022
Affordable Housing Plan 2021-2026
Annual Report 2018-2019
Approved Budget 2021-2021
Approved/Adoped Budget 2021-2022
Assessor's Annual Notice 2023
Board of Assessment Appeals Motor Vehicle Session Notice
Board of Finance Financials July-Sept 2020
Code Red
Community Center Facility and Rental Information
Community Center Fee Schedule
Community Center Rental Form
Comprehensive Enrollment Analysis - Schools Working Group Study Results - 2/24/15
Comprehensive Enrollment Analysis and Facility Utilization Study- 10/2014
Comprehensive Enrollment Analysis- Kick-Off and Existing Conditions
Connecticut Early Childhood Parent Survey
CONTRACT - HES Spec. Ed. Dir. 2021-2022
CONTRACT - HES Superintendent 2021-20225
CONTRACT -HES Principal 2021-2022
Contract HES Director of Pupil Personnel 2023-2024
Contract HES Principal 2019-2020
Contract HES Principal 2019-2020
Contract HES Principal 2023-2024
Contract HES Superintendant 2019-2020
Contract RD11 Administrators 2018-2021
Contract RD11 Superintendant 2019-2021
CT Building Code Regulations
Dairy Farm Abatement
Description of Facility
Dog License Fees
Draft Revised Zoning Regulations- Zoning Board of Appeals 9.15.11
Driveway/Apron Permit Requirements
Elderly/Totally Disabled Tax Credit Income Guidellines
Election Results: 2010
Eleven Boards of Education
Exercise Class Liability Waiver
Farms in Our Community
Final Ad Hoc Committee Report
Financials August 2021
Five Short Walks to Explore Natural Beauty of Hampton
Floor Plans
Frequently Asked Questions about Food & Liquor for Community Center Events
GEC Activities
Governor's Executive Order No. 10
Hampton & Scotland School Readiness Council By Laws
Hampton 2019-2020 Adopted Budget
Hampton Grown Brochure
Hampton Ordinances
Hampton Senior Club Annual Report
Hampton Street Map
Hampton Zoning Regulations eff. March 2024
Hampton's Plan of Conservation and Development 2016-2026
Hazardous Waste Facility Brochure
Hazardous Waste Facility Schedule
HE Contract Special Education Dir. 2019-2020
HES Contract Superintendant 2020-2021
How To Be A Good Neighbor to a Farm Brochure
How to Obtain a Permit in Hampton
How to Obtain Permits in Hampton
Hunting Application: Agreement to Indemnify and Hold Harmless
Hunting Application: Private Land Consent Form
Hunting Application: Regulations
Information about Elderly and Totally Disabled Tax Credits
Information for Property Owners
Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Application for Permit
Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Jurisdiction Review
Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Regulations
Invasive of the Month
Invitation to Bid
Kitchen Information & Approved Caterer List
Knotweed Poster
Land Use Map
Land Use Overlay Viewer
M-65mv Claim- Commercial truck exemption app
M-65mv Guide
Mailbox Damaged By Snowplowing
Motor Vehicle Credits
MyHomeCT Mortgage Relief Program
Naming Policy
NE Transit District
NECOGG Animal Services Program
Ordinance Establishing Hampton Agriculture Commission
Ordinance: Prohibiting the Storage, Disposal or use of waste from oil and gas
Orthographic Map
Parent Survey Cover Letter
Payment of Delinquent Motor Vehicle Taxes Ordinance
Personnel Policies
Petition Board of Assessment Appeals 2023 Grand List
POCD 2016-2026
Presentation from Suisman & Shapiro - Legal Process for Adding or Withdrawing Grades from a Regional School District
Public Works Job Description Operator I
RD#11 BOE Contract with Superintendent 2021-2024
RD#11 Dissolution Report 2017
RD#11 Teachers Contract 7/1/22-6/30/25
Referendum Results
Registrar Hours
Revaluation 2023 Data Mailer Form Information
Right to Farm Ordinance
School Readiness RFP Bid Legal Notice March 2014
Subdivision Regulations
The Connecticut Animal Population Control Program
Topographic Map
Town of Hampton Ordinances
Walking Guide to Hampton's Open Space
Windham Regional Revenue Collectors Office
Winter Mail Box Damage
Zoning Regulations Pertaining Specifically to Agriculture, Farm Animals


Form Name
- Record Request: Copy of Marriage Certificate
Tax Exemption or Benefit Application for Active Duty Connecticut Resident
- Application: B100a Change in Use
- Application: Become a Justice of the Peace without a Major Party Membership
- Application: Building Permit
- Application: Certificate of Trade Name
- Application: Employment
- Application: Low- Income Pet Sterilzation
- Application: Voter Registration
- Application: Connecticut Dog License
- Application: Determine Eligibilty for Pet Sterilization Program for Low Income Owners
- Homeowner's Application for Hampton Regional Housing Rehabilitation Program
- Records Request: Copy of Birth Certificate
- Records Request: Copy of Civil Union Certificate
- Records Request: Copy of Death Certificate
2023 Declaration of Personal Property - Full Form
2023 Declaration of Personal Property - Short Form
Additional Veteran's Exemption Application
Affidavit Restrictive Covenant
Antique Vehicle Affidavit
Application for Zoning Permit
Application for Zoning Permit
Application for Zoning Permit
Application for zoning prmit
Certificate of Name Change Form
Classification of Land as Farm Land Application
Classification of Land as Forest Land Application
Classification of Land as Open Space Application
Dairy Farm Tax Abatement Application
Elderly and Totally Disabled Homeowner Tax Credit Application
Farm Building Exemption Application
Farm Machinery Exemption Application
Motor Vehicle Credits
New Marriage License Worksheet
Non-Resident Affidavit For Property Tax Exemption In The State of Connecticut Under The Federal Service Members� Civil Relief Act Per SCRA
POCD 2016-2026
Property Tax Exemption for Persons with Specially Equipped Vehicles for the Disabled
Solar Exemption Application - rvs 2022
Solar- Public Act 21-180
Tax Exempt Organization Quadrennial Application
Telecommunication CompanyPersonal Property Form
Totally Disabled Tax Exemption Application
Transfer Station Application
Unlawful Restrictive Covenant Form